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Excellent article qui illustre bien à quel points les softwares sont devenus lourds et complexes à maintenir.
"For the obituary I wrote for Prof. Wirth, I downloaded the source code of the core of Project Oberon and ran a line count. It comes out a bit over 4000 lines. Specifically, some 4,623 lines of code, in 262kB of text.
That's a self-hosting bare-metal OS. It is unbelievably tiny.
Debian 12, for comparison, is 1,341,564,204 lines of code. That's the project's own estimate. One and a third billion, that is, one and a third thousand million lines of code. For comparison, Google Chrome is about 40 million lines, which is in the same ballpark as the Linux kernel these days"
Le mot de la fin prend tout son sens : "There is an urgent need for smaller, simpler software. When something is too big to understand, then you can't take it apart and make something smaller out of it."
"For the obituary I wrote for Prof. Wirth, I downloaded the source code of the core of Project Oberon and ran a line count. It comes out a bit over 4000 lines. Specifically, some 4,623 lines of code, in 262kB of text.
That's a self-hosting bare-metal OS. It is unbelievably tiny.
Debian 12, for comparison, is 1,341,564,204 lines of code. That's the project's own estimate. One and a third billion, that is, one and a third thousand million lines of code. For comparison, Google Chrome is about 40 million lines, which is in the same ballpark as the Linux kernel these days"
Le mot de la fin prend tout son sens : "There is an urgent need for smaller, simpler software. When something is too big to understand, then you can't take it apart and make something smaller out of it."
Une documentation que l'on m'a recommandé à plusieurs reprises pour apprendre le langage RUST. Je garde dans un coin.
Une autre source pour apprendre le Python from scratch.
Un autre cours gratuit pour apprendre Python.
Contributions Python dans un cadre SEO par une communauté franchement sympathique. A explorer lorsque j'aurai progressé un peu en Python.